Regulation of relations in the scope of public purchases is very important and much asked-for practice area in LF "ARTE” activity. It is obviously clear because among the firm’s clients on the one hand there are enterprises which belong to the state and communal sectors of economic and for which it is binding to comply the legislative demands while carrying out public purchases, and on the other hand there are many businesses taking part in public purchases as contenders. LF "ARTE” lawyers having special knowledge and huge experience in resolving issues in the sphere of purchases of goods, labour and services for public money, offer legal assistance in settlement of all questions which may appear in the stage of planning, organization and carrying out of public purchase procedures, in the stage of concluding and executing of public purchase contracts. We also resolve matters of judicial and non-judicial appeal of public purchase procedures, relations with public autorities in the field of public purchases. We offer legal assistance in organization of carrying out of public purchase procedures:
- planning and providing publicity of public purchases;
- working out and legal analysis of tender documents;
- working out of required order documentation (orders, directions, regulations);
- consulting on formation and function of a tender committee;
- consulting on determination of public purchase subject, establishment of tender securing, disclosure and evaluation of tender offer.
We provide legal assistance in relations with public authorities in the sphere of public purchases: Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, public treasury service of Ukraine, Accounting chamber of Ukraine, Antimonopoly committee of Ukraine. We have all necessary knowledge and considerable experience in providing legal assistance in concluding, alteration and termination of public purchase contracts, settlement of public purchase contract invalidity issues. We offer qualified legal assistance in appealing against public purchase procedures.
- revealing and analysis of law violations, committed while carrying out of public purchase procedures;
- drafting complaints of public purchase procedure violations, drafting legal actions;
- representation of interests in resolving matters of judicial and non-judicial appeal of public purchase procedures.