Licencing system in Ukraine provides that definite kinds of economic activity as well as certain operations are permitted to be undertaken only upon the existence of licencing documents, to which we can refer the following: licence, permission, resolution, certificate and other licencing documents.
LF ARTE lawyers have necessary knowledge and have gained sufficient experience in obtaining of following kinds of licencing documents:
- touroperator activity;
- production, export and import of discs for laser reader systems;
- production and trade of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco goods
- building activity;
- medical practice;
- veterinary practice;
- providing services on transportation of passengers, luggage, dangerous cargo by river, sea, auto and railway transport;
- assistance in employment abroad.
Other Licencing documents:
- licence for intermnational transportation of passangers and goods by automobile transport;
- licence for starting activity of incorporated companies;
- licence for placement of outdoor advertisement.
We provide the following services in the sphere of obtaining of licencing documents:
- providing legal advice on the issues of obtaining of licencing documents;
- drafting documents necessary for obtaining of an appropriate licencing document;
- comprehensive legal support in obtaining of licencing documents.